Anarkali!What’s this noise in the courtyard of your tomb?Whenever I feel lonely and dejected,And this world kills my creativity,I open the windowHere...
The table was small, and he had put too many things on it, things large and small, precious and fragile, placed in...
(Dedicated to the Palestinians)I walk through the city of the dead,Burnt bodies, broken limbs, and shreds of flesh hung down from their...
A world That turned its back On seasons of love And timely harvests Invested in new hybrids Were the new corporates Altering...
When I was frank with water And my mind was blurred to see a letter There was a holiness laid in my...
A loner I sat on a tree On an even lonelier branch On solitary leaf Looking for company In city Deaf to...
How tan is she! kissed by warmth of the sun’s rays skin dripping melanin Her hips invites you Her kinky hair a...
CRUISE I stand rivenbetween an ex gaffer:“Don’t babble!”and a future shaver:“LOL” I count the presenton the fingers on the prison railson the...
I called Hunger answered I knocked Poverty answered I shouted Oppression answered I walked Corruption followed I ran Insecurity followed What then...
What poetry has given me? A release from emotions A balance A mind that can bring to life thoughts And converse with...