Here is the city,
people break out and leave…
Here are the snows and rains,
washing their footprints…
Even the sun shines in every morning,
Winds blow and sleek
Nothing can remove those ,
Nothing can be changed…
People soak up to its memory
from its pocky face.
They fetch their colors with themselves
keeping the city pale.
Everywhere is dull,
Everything turns to a grey tale.
People rain and rain falls from their eyes
in every single day
And those getting wet in the heart of this city
who can’t run away
Humans are raining cats and dogs,
Ambulances revolve like the umbrellas
under the sick drops…
Either the nights or the noons
wobble from their homes.

The whole world tumble from its place
and falls…
Day by day, week by week
Streets become empty
The roads, cafes see the end.
The shoulders of the heavy shops
are going to bend…
The huge buildings, the small houses
between the city’s arms
peeping out with fear at the naked depth
that idles in the villages, travels to the countries
Lonely trees are getting bored
The flowers, birds and meadows
from the dusty feet of this city
missing of the man
Who knows?
May be in their own languages
they even rail
this damn, teasing quarantine.
Now we know, mom
Cities and countries
can also catch the diseases…
What can i say?
Don’t worry,
everything will be okay.
There are hopes
that draw out till the hair of this city…
There are our dreams putting the hands to its forehead
to check the heat…
May be we found the best treatment, mom,
Love is the best engraftment
as you always said…