The Colonial project brought so many bad and so many good things to colonized world and one of them is the...
An unexpected debacle devastated our home, the Wonderland. Most of human beings thought that living in Wonderland will bring them wealth and...
He involuntarily went through a tremulous dance, shaking in stanzas, gallons of sweat pouring from his head to toe, drenching the log...
Before we embark upon a discourse on 370 one must be clear as to why this Article was crafted and incorporated within...
Stream of Consciousness as Mode of Narration Table of content Introduction…………………………………………………………………………1 Stream of Consciousness Mode of Narration……………………………………….3 Associative Techniques of Stream...
Dr. Osama Siddique’s debut but innovative work Snuffing Out The Moon is scattered over centuries of transition and development of human civilization...
The poet guided a strip of sheet metal into the ancient steel clippers, cutting shimmering triangles that fell with a dull clang...
It is love to have a Moth on a candle at night There is love to bring this burning heart He was...
Every day I hear rattling bullets Something else too bleeds Besides the wailing mother My ink too weeps The clouds engulf the...
Let me shine like a Sun And wander like a wind. Why brother? You threw my bag Into the trash; slaughtered my...