”Rain in Lahore” It’s raining here in a midsummer day a girl jogging It’s raining here. Wearing a rosy shirt, her face...
With the name of Allah,Who is the most merciful,and Who blessed our countrywith all kinds of seasons…The summer is the longestwith its...
Life begins on the river. No matter what, it will flow to live. The gifts of the Earth spring forth by the...
Marieke Lucas Rijneveld,born in 1991,becomes the youngest writer to win the International Booker Prize in award’s 15 years long history.Marieke Lucas Rijneveld hails...
Anderson(1983) used a novel term for the nations in his imagined Community. He defines nation, ‘An imagined political community…and imagined as both...
Abstract The objective of this research is to accentuate the narratives of resistance that demonstrate the power play of the distinguished discourses...
Resistance and protest is intrinsic to any literature. It has been there from time immemorial. Even most critics claim that literature is...
“It is said that hate made her forget her true nature as a mother.” “Something wicked comes this way” Persons and Places...
A blind girl sat on the steps of a bank with a small box by his feet. She held up a signboard...
Abstract:Nathienal Hawthorne,using symbolic language and imagery created a novel The Scarlet Letter which is considered a masterpiece in American Literature.Here,this research...